My favorite plant is lavender. In my garden there are many bushes and in the vegetable garden there is a bed dedicated to lavender plants. When traveling around the world I always look for lavender products, I found lavender tea in Austria, lavender perfume in Provence in France, where the lavender industry in general is large, since one of the main crops in Provence is lavender. In July, Provence is filled with the scent of lavender, purple fields stretch to the horizon and the tourist shops are full of lavender products, where we also tasted lavender cake and even delicious lavender ice cream. If it is not possible to get to Provence during the flowering season, you can simply go to the Golan Heights, where there are several sites with beautiful fields and the flowering usually occurs in June in Shaal, Moshav Kanaf and Kibutz Ein Zivan, more details about the local fields in the attached article: il/vacation/israeltrips/article/by5zs1dkc.
Lavender originates from the Mediterranean region and has been used for thousands of years for perfumery, healing, cooking, cleaning and disinfection, since the days of ancient Egypt and Rome. The name lavender comes from the Latin word lavare - to bathe as it was customary to add lavender flowers to body sanitizing baths. Lavender appears in ancient medical writings as a cure for the body and mind. Lavender was used for embalming, for making soaps, for perfume, for seasoning, the dried flowers were placed between the sheets, and at a time when it was thought that diseases were caused by demons, a bunch of the disinfecting lavender was hung above the door of the house, sprinkled on the floor, or burned in bonfires. Today, an analysis of the chemical composition of the substances in the plant's essential oil supports its effectiveness in a variety of fields. Even today, lavender is used in the cosmetics industry and can be found starring in creams, shampoo, washing liquid and more.
The lavender oil is extracted from the purple lavender flower, and it is considered an anti-inflammatory, anti-septic (disinfectant), anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and pain-relieving oil. Here are some of its qualities:
1. First aid for the skin - lavender oil is very effective when it comes to wounds, burns, bites, sores, acne, psoriasis, cuts and scars. The oil accelerates the healing of the skin tissues and manages to stop bleeding in a few seconds. In small areas you can drip the oil directly to the injured area, and in large areas (big burns, for example) you can put a few drops of lavender oil in grape seed oil or almond oil and then apply to the skin.
2. Relieves earaches - heat a little olive oil and add 3-5 drops of lavender essential oil to it, wait for the oil to cool down a bit, soak with a cotton ball and gently insert into the ear. In most cases there is fairly immediate relief. Also suitable for use in babies and children.
3. Calms the mind - lavender oil is very relaxing and helps in situations of stress, tension, anxiety, hysteria and mental restlessness. The oil is also effective in cases of insomnia as it affects the nervous system and relaxes.
4. To calm the stomach - lavender oil also relieves problems in the digestive system - abdominal pain, swelling, cramps and gas.
5. Against headaches - Lavender oil is excellent for headaches, especially those caused by stress. You can drip two drops and massage in the temple area. If you suffer from frequent headaches you should keep a small vial in your bag.
Activities with lavender star in my activities both because it is my favorite plant and because the variety of activities is large and I use it a lot. The smell of lavender is overwhelming and may cause a reaction in people or children who are dealing with sensory sensitivity. In my experience, gradual work with spice, medicinal and scent plants may reduce the sensory sensitivity, but it is useful to be aware and ready for a sensory flood for those dealing with the problem. Attached here are several suggestions for activities that you can prepare with the children or with yourself...
Filling bags with lavender leaves - fill an organza bag or a fabric bag with lavender leaves. To finish, you can drip a few drops of essential oil to strengthen the smell. The bags can be put in the room, in the bathroom, in the closets for the smell and to prevent moths, but I like best to put a bag of lavender under the pillow at night. The soothing scent of lavender helps me relax and sleep better. Recommended to try!
Preparing lavender oil - this is a process work since the oil must be allowed to stand for several weeks to absorb the active ingredients from the lavender leaves. The oil is prepared by compressing lavender leaves into a glass jar and then filling the jar with fine olive oil (cold pressed) or almond oil. It is possible to show how the air bubbles are released as the oil fills all the spaces between the leaves. After a few weeks that the oil has stood with the lavender leaves (about a month), it can be filtered using a cloth and strainer and bottled. The small vials can be purchased in craft stores, in the Max chain or on websites from abroad.
Preparation a "Hamsa Mandala" mobile filled with lavender leaves - I used a double hamsa mandala, color the mandalas according to the desire and design we chose, cut them, put glue on both sides and fill with a little lavender leaves. Then the top is pierced with a hole punch, threading thread and beads and creating a rack. Coloring the mandalas is meditative, the work on making the mobile, threading the beads, coloring and cutting are a bonus in the activity of working on fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, etc.
Making an eye pillow - eye pillows filled with lavender and grains are wonderful for relaxation and simple to make. How much the pillow will be invested depends on the motor skills of the preparers. You can use a stocking and fill it with a funnel made from a cut water bottle, lavender leaves, flax and buckwheat (in a ratio of one third to each component). After filling the sock, make a knot. The pillow can be heated in the microwave for up to half a minute (check that it does not boil and will not cause a burn) and place on the eyes. Another option is to pre-sew a kind of pillowcase for the pillow and after the filling close it either with fabric glue, or by sewing. The upgraded option is to choose a fabric, embroider on it, sew the pillow as a pillowcase with a sewing machine, fill with stuffing and close with hand sewing.
Good Luck!